Nicole's take on her first KSD ladies ride!

Noticing big wet flakes of snow falling Sunday morning, I couldn’t help but verify, “This gig still on?” Amie’s response, “Oh yes.” These mountain bikers are a different breed of biker. (They’ll ride in just about anything.)
I’m used to riding a comfort mountain bike on the towpath and hike & bike trails throughout Summit & Portage counties. The tires on my bike are like the Kenda K847 Kross Plus seen here… mostly smooth with knobby outer edges.
To give me my first true mountain bike experience, Amie tracked down a Cannondale for me to borrow… KNOBBY SIDE DOWN.
What a difference! A much lighter frame than I’m used to, and the tires easily climbed over the smaller rocks & roots.
My greatest challenge was my first attempt at a log over. I’m not sure which embarrassed me more… the fact that I ran into a tree only a few inches in diameter OR the fact that it was witnessed by Angie, who graciously let me shake the dust off of “Old Blue” for her. (Thanks again, Angie!) Amie, being the good big sister that she is, advised that on my next attempt I get my momentum going and try to coast more over the log & not look straight down… look ahead.
Log over conquered. BOOM.
The ride was made most enjoyable by the group of ladies, ages 9+, who know how to have a good time. “Serious riding without all the seriousness!” It’s no joke. Lots of laughter, team spirit, & encouragement. Sorry, I can’t share what all the laughter was about. What happens on the trail stays on the trail (unless it’s humorously documented in photographs).
Thank you Arryn, Addie, Corianne, Jill, Teresa, Lisa, Angie, Amie, & Lauren! Hope to meet up with you on the trails again sometime. (Meow!)
The ladies' biking day presents a great opportunity to take your daughter out on the trail - Amie
This ladies ride was a great way to show her another perspective of what "a ladies day out" can be. Thanks to Corianne for organizing the day and choosing a very family friendly trail at Sippo Lake Park. In this environment it allowed all of us ladies to go out for a casual mountain bike ride and have fun.
The ladies ride gave me the opportunity to ride with my daughter to help her to learn to appreciate and love the sport as I do. She is still a bit unsure of mountain biking, but taking her on rides like today helps to show her that mountain biking can be a fun thing that you can go do with your girlfriends. I must say, riding with her takes a lot of patience at times. Like all of us, she has good days and bad. Sometimes she feels more eager to try the hills and obstacles then the others. At this stage of the game it is most important to me that she sees a group of ladies out there having fun in a laid back environment. Many times on Sunday, I tried to encourage her to pedal harder to make it up the hill or pedal strong to get over the roots. Other times she wasn't feeling the love so she chose to walk. I had to remind myself to keep things positive so that she is willing to continue to ride.
She is nornal, she thinks some of these ladies are a bit cooler then her mom. I am ok with that. I feel this is a good group of role models for her to look up to. The group today was made up of a variety of skill levels. It is important to me that she learns that no matter what your skill level is, this group can come together and ride as one.
Thank you ladies!